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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

INVESTIGATIVE REPORT: It's Alive! New Oak Hill Taxes

Oak Hill, Tennessee
by The Oak Hill Tennessee Gazette

Many in Oak Hill thought the idea of new Oak Hill taxes was dead after the 2010 election.  Voters had soundly rejected the pro-tax ticket of Jimmy Bradshaw and Bill Canak.  Also quiet after that election was the "Oak Hill Citizens for Better Government," which endorsed Bradshaw and Canak and pushed for a new tax on Oak Hill water bills in 2010.

That's why Oak Hill residents we interviewed were shocked to hear that pro-tax supporters are fighting for more taxes in this year's Oak Hill election and have endorsed two new candidates to enact a tax increase: Heidi Pflaum and Ron Coles.  Heidi Pflaum, whose legal name is "Heidi Marie Pflaum," is campaigning under the fake name "Campbell" to avoid public knowledge of her septic tank that contaminates Radnor Lake with sewage from the house she lives in on Otter Creek Road, which we reported in this INVESTIGATIVE REPORT and her other legal run-ins, which we reported in this INVESTIGATIVE REPORT.

"Unbelieveable!" was the reaction of an Oak Hill man in his mid-fifties our reporter talked to about the push for more Oak Hill taxes.  "We are sick of paying more taxes every year.  It has to stop," added his wife, who asked that they not be identified by name.

Supporters of new Oak Hill taxes have combined behind the More-Taxes Ticket of Heidi "Campbell" and Ron Coles.

The pro-tax Oak Hill Citizens for Better Government PAC, also called OHCBG, has re-emerged under the direction of community organizer Mary Wherry, which we reported in this NEWS ARTICLE.  The OHCBG campaign platform in 2010 demanded new Oak Hill taxes, including a tax that would be included on the water bills of all Oak Hill residents.  Now the OHCBG has endorsed Heidi "Campbell" and Ron Coles.

Joining with OHCBG is Heidi Pflaum's website called "Save Oak Hill."  The website features a photo of Radnor Lake, which is polluted by Heidi's septic tank run-off because she refused to connect to Metro Sewer service.  Heidi's website includes these quotes demanding higher Oak Hill taxes:
  • “I favor a higher tax rate”
  • “I am happy to consider a proposal for a reasonable tax increase”
  • “I would be very willing to pay an additional tax”
  • “I would certainly consider the implementation of a annual city tax.”
  • “Treat all residents equally and equitably by adding a property tax that includes all”
  • “I would defintiely opt for a reasonable tax initiative”
  • “I would be willing to pay an additional property tax”
If Heidi "Campbell" and Ron Coles are elected, they would owe the pro-tax supporters who got them into office.  That's how politics works.  That would translate into higher Oak Hill taxes if Heidi "Campbell" and Ron Coles were in office.  The amount of the tax increase would be at least $500 per year, with larger houses paying significantly more, according to a study by the City of Oak Hill.

A senior citizen our reporter spoke to added this: "Our assessments keep getting higher but I live on a fixed income.  If Oak Hill taxes me more, I won't be able to afford to live here!" 

The issue is now in the hands of Oak Hill voters, who must decide whether they want to support the tax increase that they rejected four years ago.

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